Monday, June 21, 2010

What am I going to do for the rest of my life?

1. I belive you have to be passionate about the career you choose. The main reason why I say this is becasue I know someone who hated their job and had a stroke. Now I am not saying the stroke was caused because she hated her job, but the stress triggered it. Now she is only 41 years old and she had to make a decision... Does she stay with the job she hates and start to hate everything in her life... or she start a new job? She found a new job and is very healthy. She loves going to work everyday and she doesnt usee sarcasim as much. I believe you have to be 100% passionate about your career choice.

2. I plan on going to Pentictons okanagan college for two years to get my diploma in Business Administration. After I am done that I plan on transfering over to Kelowna's Okanagan College and get my degree in Marketing. Then I think I might go to the Art Insitute in Vancouver and do the Fashion Marketing course because then I will have many oppertunities in this world and I am willing to do all these course so I can have my dream job.

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