Monday, June 21, 2010

Dreams take us on Journeys...

Underneath my bed was not a very good hiding place, but hopefully he would not be able to find me here. I am too young to die. He has been stalking me for about two weeks now and he knew my parents would not be home tonight. I could hear him coming up the stairs slowly with his giant steal toe boots. As he abrublty opened up my door to my room I held my breath so he could not hear me. The first place he looked was my closet and then he made a weird aggressive grunt when I was not there. I could not help but to shiver and cry when he came closer to my bed, but then he left my room. I was so happy he could not find me, but I was still stuck to the floor like glue worried that he might come back. All of a sudden I heard someone jump off the bed... It was a little girl and she peeked under the bed and yelled "She's here." Then the steal toed boots guy ran up the stairs grabbed me by my feet and leaned me over the edge of the window. All I remember is falling and hitting my head extremely hard. Then waking up to my parents in the hospital.
The doctor said I had a fierce concussion, I got stitches in my neck, ears and cheek, and I am on some good pain killers. He also explained that the police are searching for the little girl her dad. My parents had mixed emotions with this ordeal. They wanted me better, but wanted those people DEAD. The doctor let me go home after a week and when we got home my parents hardly left my side. As months went on my parents started leaving me alone more and more, which is what I wanted because a teenaged girl needs their space. It was Halloween night and my friends and I wanted to go to our first party together. My parents agreed as long as I was home at twelve and no later.
Everyone looked awesome in their customes. My friends and I were dead cheerleaders and I was the captain of them. I was mingling and then I saw the same little girl as I saw in my room. I started to panic and then ran over to my friend Molly who was close by. I told her that the little girl was here and that meant that the father was here too. Molly told everyone she was walking me home and on the way home I was very nervous. My parents went to a party that night thinking I would be home at twelve, but I was home at 10:30. I told Molly she could go home, but really I wanted her to stay.
I could hear knocking on my door, little trick or treaters, but I was not answering that door. I heard a bang on the back door, which really freaked me out. I couldnt help, but to see who it was. As I tiptoed down stairs I could hear a little girl laughing in the living room. I turned the corner and there those two were. "We have been waiting for you" they said. I ran back upstairs went into the bathroom and locked the door. I was hiding in the bath tub trying to think of a plan out of this, but I had nothing. I forgot I had my cell phone. So I called my parents and told them that the people who hurt me before are in the house. They left immediately.
The steal toed boots guy kicked the door down and grabbed me by my hair and took me into my room. The the little girl grabbed a knife and started cutting me. I started to yell and cry and thats when my parents ran in. They saw me holding the knife and me laying on the bed. I saw the steal toed boots guy hold me down and the little girl cutting me. My parents took the knife away from me and took me to the emergancy room. The little girl was by my side laughing at me, but for some reason my parents could not see her. Why could they not see her? Then I passed out.
Two weeks later I was released from the Pysch ward. The doctors explained that I was schizophrenic and the two people did not exist in the real world,only in my head. I would cry almost everyday believing I was crazy, which is half true. Ever since I found out that I was schizophrenic I have been taking my pills regualry because it is my dream to get better.

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