Thursday, April 1, 2010

Boogeyman 2 review

As a child a fear of the boogeyman was a bed wetting experience for most. Parents used this creative-creature as a technique to make children fall asleep on time or so they wouldn't walk home in the dark. This approach to parenting can really make the child afraid of the dark, but mostly what lies in the dark. Boogeyman 2 was created by producers that were finacially distressed. Most of the new movies are made with more quality and since it was a 2008 movie people agreed quality would be a big factor. The 2005 movie Boogeyman was made perfectly and was created by producers that could afford to scare people, which lead more people to watch the sequel of Boogeyman. Now when I say the movie does not have the best quality I mean that, but I never said the producers and writers did not have creative ways to massacre the chartcters in the movie. If you are the kind of person who loves a twisted story line and watching sadistic ways of being killed you are in the right place. But if you suffer from Germaphobia, Agoraphobia, Obesophobia, Nyctophobia, and more, then I do not think you should be renting or buying this movie. Tobin Bell, the famous charcter from the Saw series, changed his pace by acting a mental facility psychratist attempting to change the lives of the subconscious people struggling with phobias taking over their lives. The Boogeyman in the first movie was actually the scary creature children learned about, but in the sequel the Boogeyman is very much alive and striking his victims one by one as he uses their phobias against them. Most people find this movie fantastic, thrilling, and truely inhuman so if you want to see a spooky satisfiying movie then take the time and watch this abstract film.